Thursday, March 13, 2025

The bad news and the good


We get a lot of bad news these days, writes Bert Cargill of St Monans Gospel Hall. Apart from international conflicts and worries, there is plenty to be concerned about here at home, with so many wicked things happening in what was meant to be a civilised society. We hear about disruptive behaviour and violence in schools, bullying in playgrounds and workplaces, neglect and cruelty to children in families, partners being murdered, physical and sexual abuse of children and vulnerable young people in care settings, knives and guns on the streets, overcrowding in prisons and more. Some public figures in sports, politics, and church organisations who should have set good examples do the opposite. Their behaviour is disgraceful and unlawful in financial, moral and sexual matters. Nowhere seems to be exempt. Promises to “clean it up” and “learn lessons for the future” are not convincing. It can be pretty depressing but be assured that God will ultimately deal righteously with crime and wickedness in His ways of perfect justice.


But why not ignore all that and focus on some good news? It’s good to get good news occasionally, but there is always good news in the Christian Gospel. This is the good news of God’s love for us despite all our sins and failings. He loved us so much that He gave His Son, Jesus Christ, to take the punishment our sins deserve by dying for us on the cross. And now He offers us forgiveness if we accept Him by faith as our Saviour. He calls us personally to repent, believe the Gospel, make a new start and then spread the good news. 

All photos courtesy of Unsplash


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