Throughout the world, many people today yearn and hope for peace, writes Bert Cargill of St Monans Gospel Hall. Our attention and concern centre on Ukraine and the Middle East just now, but there are more wars in the world than we realise, some lasting for years. Much high-level diplomacy and complex negotiations continue, with repeated efforts to get opposing sides to agree even to a ceasefire. Still, in the meantime, we can pray while we wait to see the final outcomes. But it’s a just and lasting peace that’s needed, not just a patch-up without dealing with the root causes of the conflicts.
For too long now, we have looked with sadness and dismay at scenes of destruction, brutality and suffering. The causes lie deep and are as old as history. The Bible reminds us that it is all rooted in man’s selfishness, jealousy and pride. If we are honest enough to look within, that’s something each of us can be guilty of, a refusal to “love our neighbour as ourselves”, as Jesus said, even to love our enemies. That is how He loved us, and He still loves us despite our failures and sins: “God commends His love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5.8). There is no greater love than this!
We can refuse this love or receive it with gladness. If we receive it, we will enter a real and lasting peace with God. Those who accept Jesus as their own Savior and Lord are “justified by faith, and have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5.1). Peace between warring nations seems so challenging to achieve, but here and now, we can have peace with God for ourselves.
All photos courtesy of Unsplash
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