Have you ever thought about how many doors you use daily? asks Bert Cargill of St Monans Gospel Hall. Try counting the number of doors in your house, including cupboard doors you need to open and doors you go through, and the number will soon be doubled. And if you go out and travel anywhere, what about car doors, bus doors, train doors! Doors are almost too common to wonder about, but we would be in trouble without them.
Doors give access to other rooms or places you want to get to. If you didn’t open these doors, you wouldn’t get anywhere. It’s also vital to close and lock doors sometimes - doors are there for protection, protecting ourselves from intruders and things from harm, even to keep the house warm now that summer seems to be past. In transport, closed doors are essential for safety at all times. It’s crucial to close doors on fridges and freezers to keep food safe, ultimately affecting our health and well-being. It’s easy to open and shut a door, thanks to hinges, which do that job nicely, so don’t forget to check them!
It is interesting to read about doors in the Bible. In many of the parables and illustrations Jesus used in His teaching, He often referred to everyday things - a door was one of these. He said one day, “I am the door, by Me if anyone enters in they will be saved.” (John 10.9). He is the door of access into heaven and gives safety from danger. It takes only a step of faith to go through that Door today to be saved from sin and be sure of arriving in heaven.
All photos courtesy of Unsplash
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