Last weekend, I spent the weekend in the beautiful country of Northern Ireland. For me, it is a bit like coming home. I love it. My mother was born and raised (raised, they would say) in Belfast. Some of my ancestors were from County Monaghan and others from Fermanagh. My wife is from Ballymena, County Antrim, so there are lots of family roots in this wonderful land.
Weather-wise, it was a great weekend. A slight drizzle (that is obligatory), but 98% of the time, the sun shone, and with what brilliance! We all know what a difference a little bit of sunshine makes! The landscape literally shines and glows in the glory of sunlight. The townlands and coastal scenery come alive (as does everyone who is out and about enjoying the majesty and splendour of God’s incredible creation) as you try to take in the greens of the fields, trees and shrubs (this is Ireland, after all) the shades of sea blue and the whole pallet of restful colours that vie for your attention. Words cannot fully express beauty. Many talented artists have attempted to reflect what they see, songwriters have written lyrics to express what they feel, and poets have created soulful words describing how they feel, as have many writers. Still, there is something inexpressible about beauty and the glory of the created order. On a very simple level (as long as you attribute the source as God) the Bible calls it worship, Psalm 8. As a Christian believer, I know that there are other deeper aspects to worship. Still, at a very elementary level, a ‘wow response’ comes from our appreciation of beauty and the awesomeness of what we see, hear and feel that demands deep reflection and admission that there is more to this than meets the eye (literally). Who gave us this ability to enjoy, value, be satisfied and delight in good music, amazing food, and beautiful words. Who gave us the capacity to appreciate art and to revel in talent. This is unique to humans. There is no evidence that any other creature has this sense of awe, this deep appreciation, the ability to be stunned and to stand back and be wowed by glorious majesty.
Why? I think the simple answer is given to us in the Bible - you were created in the image of God. You are more than ‘flesh and blood’. You were created to worship and have the capacity to enjoy and revel in the delights of God’s created world.
Do you do this? Do you acknowledge that there is something in you that cannot help but acknowledge a greater mind, someone bigger than you, a being who draws your worship, appreciation and praise out from you?
All personal photos
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