Friday, February 28, 2025

Mobile Phones

It has been over 50 years since the first mobile telephone call has been made. I was literally a baby when that call was made and although mobile phones were not commonplace in my childhood, I can certainly remember the ‘brick’ and have watched with interest as phones have become smaller and smaller and the number of us who use them got larger. 

Another amazing fact which I heard was that there are now more mobile phones in use than people on the planet! That quite frankly is astounding, there are over 11 billion mobile phones and about 8 billion people! The difference of 3 billion phones is down to those who maybe have work phones and personal ones. It is estimated that 12.4 billion calls are made each day and over 23 billion text messages sent in their various forms.

The numbers are staggering, and we use apps for so many different things from tracking our steps to paying for our parking to the restaurant we chose because we can view the menu on our phone at work. You begin to wonder how we all functioned before their invention!
It is an amazing thing and maybe we take for granted, that we can talk to or message friends in real time who might be halfway around the globe and text someone upstairs in our own house if we are feeling particularly lazy and want them to bring us our slippers!

We can communicate with anyone who has given us their number. However, if there was someone famous, we are not free to message them. 

There is a form of communication that goes so much further, goes to Someone who is infinitely more important than anyone and never fails or is busy. That form of communication is prayer. 

The Psalmist tells us that God hears the prayers that do not come from deceitful lips. In other words, genuine heart felt prayers are heard by God. What an amazing thing that God, the creator of the universe hears our prayers. The Psalmist goes on to say, ‘attend to my prayer’. God answers prayer, not always in the way we want, and the answer can be, ‘No!’ God knows what is best for us and although do not always understand at the time, God deals with us for our own good.

The old hymn about prayer, ‘What a friend we have in Jesus’ says, 
‘Oh, what peace we often forfeit, 
oh what needless pain we bear, 
all because we do not carry 
everything to God in prayer’. 

This may well be true of us, maybe we know we should look to God for help far more often than we do. 

I once spoke to someone about a problem and they told me that they had thought about praying, ‘but God wouldn’t be interested in them!’ How wrong they were! God loves the whole world, John chapter 3 verse 16 tells us that, ‘God so loved the world’ and that He proved it with the greatest gift, ‘He gave His only begotten Son!’ The God who gave His own Son, Jesus Christ then, is just as interested in us now and wants us to share our burdens and our worries with Him in prayer. 

Some prayers are more important than others, we should pray thankfully for what we have and bring our problems to God in prayer. But the greatest problem we have has been answered in Jesus Christ and we need to pray in faith and believe that Jesus Christ died in our place for us, turn from your sin and trust in Him. If you have done this, then that will be reflected in our prayers as we thank Him for all that He has done for us on the cross at Calvary.


All photos courtesy of Unsplash 

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