Thursday, August 29, 2024

Hello, can you hear me?


All photos courtesy of Unsplash

Adele once asked -  ‘Hello, can you hear me?’ Adele has sold over 50 million albums worldwide, won 15 Grammies and 9 Brit awards and is worth over $400 million. 

In 2021, Adele released her long-anticipated Album 30, which received rave reviews and is deemed a ‘masterpiece’ of songwriting.

Having listened to the album, I was struck by some of the lyrics in the song ‘I Drink Wine’.

‘They say to play hard, you work hard

Find balance in the sacrifice

Yet I don't know anybody

Who's truly satisfied'.

According to the 2017 Life Happiness and Satisfaction Survey, carried out by Esteban Ortiz-Ospina and Max Roser, people are less satisfied and happy than they were in 1973 compared with 2017.

So the question is - can we be truly satisfied? 

Jesus said ‘but whosoever drinketh the water that I shall give him shall never thirst,’ John 4. 14. He promises true satisfaction to those who wait on Him. Further, in the gospel of John he said ‘I came to give life and life more abundantly,’ John 10. 10.

We can find rest In the person of the Lord Jesus Christ by accepting his offer to ‘come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest,’ Matt. 11. 28. 

The Bible promises joy and happiness to all who are prepared to trust God - ‘Happy are they that trust in the Lord,’ Psalm 144. 15. 

What about the peace we all dream of - well, that’s available as well - ‘Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you not as the world giveth, I give unto you let not your heart be troubled,’ John 14. 27. 

So, can I get you thinking! if you are dissatisfied with life at the moment. Please consider the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. He came to this world and lived a perfect life (despite many trials, rejection, ridicule and abusive treatment. Eventually, at the age of 33, he hung on a cross as a sacrifice for sin to ‘bring us to God,’ 1 Pet. 3. 18.

People who have faith and trust in the Lord Jesus don’t necessarily have easy lives. God doesn’t promise that, but he does promise eternal life in heaven and peace that ‘passes all understanding’ (Phil 4:7).

The Christian can be satisfied in the person of Jesus Christ, knowing that the Bible is true when it says ‘God never lies,’ Titus 1:2. and that the promises that we have just considered are true. Jesus is the same ‘yesterday, and today, and forever,’ Heb. 13. 8.

I pray that Adele will find the satisfaction she so desperately wants in God’s Son, Jesus Christ.


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