Saturday, January 20, 2024

Quit worrying

All photos courtesy of Unsplash

Have you ever wondered how people could look at the same thing but see something totally different? Why do weather forecasters tell us there’s a 30% chance of rain tomorrow? Why don’t they just say a 70% chance of radiant sunshine?

In Bible times, twelve influential men were selected to conduct an analysis of the new country to be inhabited by their nation. They were assigned the task of looking at the strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats of the land. A lot was at stake. This new land had been their dream land for quite a while. A million people had been promised a better life in a better land. They were in transition, having left their life-long homes in hope of striking it rich in a new homeland. Just now they were camping in a wilderness – not really the type of a place we would want to call home. The new land was still a dream for them.

So, the Leadership Team of Twelve set out on their mission. It did not take long for some conclusions to emerge regarding the possibilities and threats. However, they could not reach agreement on their findings and a majority report had to be delivered – not an unanimous one! The majority saw only doom and gloom in the new land. The minority report filed by Caleb and Joshua was upbeat and positive with a recommendation for immediate action.
The majority of the leaders conceded the new land had potential, but in their minds the threats far outnumbered the opportunities. The place was swarming with towering monster giants. “We’d be wiped out in a flash. They’d stomp on us like grasshoppers. Chew us up and spit us out.” People trembled and wept all night at the frightening forecast of such a bleak future.

The two who filed the minority report had an entirely different point of view. The land was not only breathtaking, but also the opportunities were many and varied.  "Let’s get going at once. With God on our side, we are well-equipped to take over the new land. There is no reason to worry or fear.” “The land is an exceedingly good land. If the LORD delights in us, He will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land that flows with milk and honey. Only do not rebel against the LORD. And do not fear the people of the land, for the LORD is with us; do not fear them.” 

It is a sad day when leaders can not see the opportunities with God on their side. How frightening it is for us if our leaders are negative and see only doom and gloom in the days ahead. How depressing it is to hear speeches that hold very little hope for the future. Two of the twelve saw hope, potential, opportunity, growth and success. 

What made the difference? Be sure of this – it had nothing to do with ten being pessimists and rwo being optimists. It was not a personality thing. It was a spiritual issue. Two of the twelve had their eyes on their Almighty God. He was between them and their circumstances. The other ten could only see the circumstances because they did not have God in the right place in their thinking. All they could do was to be afraid, worried and see the threats, and concluded decline and disaster were inevitable.

Worry does not work. It is like a rocking chair; it will give us  something to do and keep us going, but it will not get us anywhere! Life is too big for any of us to handle alone. So when worry comes to prey on our minds, attack it with the promises of God. It is wonderful what happens when The Lord Jesus Christ displaces worry at the centre of  our lives. Where do we have God situated in our outlook on life? Let us give it a go today and  "cast all our cares upon Him for He cares for us".


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