Saturday, September 30, 2023
Following Instructions
Friday, September 29, 2023
Running away from God
Thursday, September 28, 2023
How to change your life in a moment
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Who am I?
There are many answers and very likely lots of them are true. You are the son or daughter of ‘so and so’. You are a man, woman, married, single, have children, no children, arty, musical, clever, practical - so the list goes on.
There are so many things that are different about each of us but we also have some common traits. We are all human. This covers a lot of ground. Our birth, our frailty, our fears, our flaws and mistakes, our hurt, our death.
Have you ever stopped to think why there are so many things we have in common?
The Bible explains the reason. God created us in the first place ‘in his image’. This among other things gives us the capacity to be creative, think and make choices. The first man, Adam, made a choice to disobey one of the simple commands of God and as a result ‘sin came into the world’. This brings us to another common feature of humanity, we are mortal. We are naturally wayward, the Bible calls it sin. Let’s be honest, we all know that we disobey the law to varying degrees. That’s mans law, but we also disobey God’s law as well. The effect of sin on a day to day basis is the hurt, pain, aging and mistakes mentioned earlier. The ultimate common effect of sin in all of our lives is death. Death is an awful thing. It separates us from our loved ones, it causes pain and brings dark days into our lives. BUT, death also is the defining moment which seals our eternal fate. What we have believed in this life cannot be changed after death. Death is the gateway to the next world which the Bible describes as being one of two places, heaven or hell. Heaven being a place of conscious enjoyment and bliss, hell of conscious regret and suffering.
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Here today - where tomorrow?
Monday, September 25, 2023
What does the Bible tell us about the future? - Essay for Christians
A very high percentage of the Bible is about the future. Some people reckon that over a quarter of the Bible deals with future events. When studying this topic We need to bear in mind that the truth of the church was hidden in the Old Testament and not revealed until New Testament days. Therefore, we should not expect to find predictions about the conditions in the world during the last days of the church on earth in the Old Testament. On this basis this post will be based on New Testament references.
Before I continue, I need to clarify two things:
1. What I mean by the word ‘church’, and
2. That I believe that the church will not always remain on earth as there will be a day when it is taken from earth to heaven.
These two issues will provide a framework for us to work within when considering our question - What does the Bible tell us about the future - the last days of the church on earth!
What the word ‘church’ means?
In some ways, the word ‘church’ is an unfortunate translation of the Greek word ‘ekklesia’. Most dictionaries explain the word as meaning ‘the called people’. William Tyndale is famous for translating the word as ‘congregation’, reminding us that the word describes people who meet together for a specific reason. It has been used mainly in a religious context, but it is also used for civic/public meetings as in Acts chapter 19 verse 39 & 41.
The first two references to the church in the New Testament are found in Matthew chapters 16 and 18. These passages explain the two aspects of the church that are taught in the New Testament. That is the church made up of all Christians (the dispensational church or the church which is the body of Christ) and the local church.
The church described in Matthew chapter 16 is made up of every believer from the commencement of the church on the Day of Pentecost, Acts 2, to its completion at the coming of Christ, 1 Thess. 4. It is called the ‘the body of Christ’ in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 23. In the same chapter, verse 22, we learn that the Lord Jesus Christ is 'head over all things to the church’.
In summary, based on Matthew 16. 18,19, the Dispensational Church (and therefore all local churches):
1. Is built on Christ who is the foundation,
2. Is owned by the Lord Jesus – ‘my church’,
3. Is growing and will grow until the Lord Jesus returns,
4. Is the focus of the devil’s destructive activity,
5. Will never be destroyed by Satan’s power,
6. Represents the authority of Christ on earth.
When used in Matthew chapter 18 verses 15 – 20, the word clearly refers to a situation where a person, while trying to sort out a personal dispute, comes to the ‘church’ to request a decision. In this section, there is a reference made to decisions made on earth being corroborated in heaven. This is similar to what is said in Matthew 16, but the point seems to be that of the authority vested in a local church instead of the authority that was vested in Peter as is seen fulfilled in the Book of Acts, Acts 2, 8, 10, 11.
One day, the church will be taken from earth to heaven.
The Church will one day be taken from earth to heaven. Not all of the church is on earth as many of the saints have already died, Eph. 3. 15, 1 Thess. 4. 15, 17. The Lord Jesus promised that He would come again for His own in John chapter 14 verse 3, and many other passages either hint at or teach this truth. For example, John chapter 17, verse 24 and 1 Thessalonians chapter 4.
So, what will the world look like in the last days of the church on earth?
The key passages to look at for this are 2nd Thessalonians 2, 2nd Timothy 3, 2nd Peter 2 and Revelation chapter 2 and 3.
The expression ‘last days’ is a significant one when we are looking at this subject. While we cannot be dogmatic when the last days are, we can see from these passages the characteristics and moral features of ‘last days’.
2nd Thessalonians 2
In this passage, the Apostle Paul explains the conditions that will be in place when the ‘man of sin’ will be revealed. By comparing numerous passages, we conclude that this will not happen until the church has been translated to heaven. However, the characteristics of this period are clearly seen in this passage.
Verse 3 – there will be a major rebellion against God; the KJV calls it ‘a falling away’.
Verse 10 – there will have been a refusal to love the truth, that is, the truth of God as revealed in scripture. This refusal reflects the aggressive denial of the need for salvation by human beings.
Verse 12 – the refusal to believe the truth is a result of and also how that generation will delight and have pleasure in unrighteousness. Like Noah’s generation and Lot’s generation, the people get their thrills from wicked pursuits.
2nd Timothy 3
This passage specifically claims to be describing the last days.
In verse 1, Paul says that these are terrible days of difficulty. Unpleasant, evil days. The following list makes for very unpleasant reading. The people of that day (which sounds very like ours) are selfish, egotistical, materialistic, super assertive, arrogant and proud, abusive, ungrateful, unforgiving and focused on pleasure.
I have not gone down the list and quoted each description, you can do that on your own, but you can see for yourself that the conditions described as ‘last days’ are indeed ‘terrible times’, verse 1.
We must be careful in case we see this list as just describing the lower end of a selfish and violent society. This is a list that covers all of society. The rich and the poor, the powerful and the downtrodden; every strata of society is included. The key is found in verse 5 – ‘having a form of godliness but denying its power’. In a society where ‘evil is called good, and good is called evil’, morals are severely messed up, and what might appear moral is actually done in denial of all that pleases God.
2nd Peter 2
Peter adds his voice to the description of conditions in the last days.
In verse 1, we learn that there will be those who teach error. The false teaching is so bad that it is described as ‘destructive heresies’. It is off the wall error that destroys the truth of God and destroys those who fall under its evil spell. The main error relates to the person of Christ and the work of salvation, verse 2. These false teachers will attract a great following, verse 3. This is similar to the warning that Paul gave to the Ephesian elders in Acts chapter 20.
The false teachers of last days will exploit the people of God, verse 3, with ‘made-up stories’. In other words, they are fully aware that they are deceiving people and doing it for personal profit. The judgement that is pronounced reflects the severity of the sin of false teaching and false teachers.
Revelation 2 & 3
These chapters can be used as a template to describe conditions in the church and the world before the Lord Jesus returns to the air. The seven churches of Asia Minor can be looked at prophetically - as a timeline from Pentecost to the Rapture or morally - conditions that could exist at any one point in church history.
Prophetically – from this standpoint, the church in Laodicea describes the church in the period of time just before the Lord comes. Look at the low moral and spiritual of this local church. Sadly, the moral/spiritual state of the world is often reflected in the state of the church.
This is a church that is lukewarm. There is little reality or conviction. The Lord finds it spurious and distasteful. This church sees itself as rich and in need of nothing, but the Lord describes their real condition as ‘wretched, and miserable, and poor and blind and naked’. It would appear that recovery in these days will be on an individual basis as the Lord appeals for individuals to ‘open the door’ for Him to come in.
Morally – this view of the seven churches reminds us to be aware of the low spiritual condition that could exist in any local church. Every generation, potentially, faces the same problems and can demonstrate last day characteristics in their behaviour.
Here are some key examples: the increase of satanic activity in some locations, Rev. 2. 13, will have a devastating effect on church testimony. The changing role of women, Rev. 2. 20, and the seduction of false religion will bring divine judgement.
The constant theme of overcoming, Rev. 2. 7 – Rev. 3. 21, and the rewards that relate to the future reign of Christ on earth, Rev. 2. 26, 27, 3. 12, 3. 21, would remind us that these conditions will exist right up until the coming of the Lord.
As I conclude, this post may I add this comment. Many passages of scripture describe conditions that will exist in the world after the church has been taken to be with the Lord. While I cannot be dogmatic about this suggestion, I do not think that these evil conditions will suddenly commence when the church goes. From 2 Thessalonians chapter 2, we know that lawlessness is already working in the world but that there will come the point when it’s progress will no longer be impeded. I judge that in verse 7, the Spirit of God is hindering the full advancement of evil while the church is still in the world. On the point of the church’s removal, the Spirit of God will also go. Just as the Spirit came at the commencement of the church in Acts 2 so the removal of the Spirit will coincide with its removal. At that point, the actors and the actions of unrestricted evil will be revealed.
This being the case, the descriptions of society post the rapture, which are given in Matthew 24, Luke 21, Revelation 13, 17, 18, are relevant for us to consider. They describe a world where there will be:
1. Increased levels of evil activity
2. Aggression and persecution
3. False prophets and teachers
4. Claims to Political unity
5. A united form of world religion
6. Streamlined Economic and Financial world systems
7. Increased wars producing apparent peace
Last day conditions may be upon us, or at least we can see signs that the world is fast moving towards the way things are described in scripture.
Are you saved and are you ready for the coming of Christ? Are you living in disobedience to God’s word? It is time to repent and live a life of obedience to the Lord.
Sunday, September 24, 2023
Do you know where you are going?
All photos courtesy of Unsplash
Do you know where you are going?
I’m not asking you do you know where you’re going in terms of what bus you getting on or what is your travel destination? My question is - do you know where you will end up when your life on earth is over?
Your reply could be - I didn’t realise that there were any options, or, I thought that death was the end of the line (I am back to my travel analogies again).
Jesus Christ was known for talking a lot about where He had come from and where He was going when he had finished life on earth. That is a really strange way of talking for the average person. Birth was our starting point and to many, death is the final destination.
But is it?
I am not talking about reincarnation. The Bible teaches that for all of us (except the Lord Jesus) birth was our starting point. However, the Lord Jesus claimed to have ‘come down out of heaven’ and that he had come from His Father, God. I, for one, believe His claims for a number of reasons. This post is not the place to go into detail to prove this. I created a series of videos one Christmas on this topic. If you want to watch them then click here -
The Lord Jesus also spoke often about going back to heaven where He had come from.There are a number of references in the Gospel of John where this is recorded. I’ll leave you to read John’s Gospel to see if you can spot the verses where He claims to be going back to heaven after life on earth. To read the gospel online click here
The Bible teaches that there is life after death. Our life on earth is the place that we prepare for the next life and God is concerned that we discover the truth and get to know Him.
If you want more information please text me (07747 101352) or email me ( and I will get back to you
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Who would you like to spend a day with?
Think about the things we do everyday—go to work, spend time with our family, eat, or maybe watch TV. Whether it’s helping others or getting rest, we find value in all of these things. But do we see value in spending time with our Creator? God created us to spend time with Him. By doing so, we are honouring Him, helping others, and getting spiritual rest and peace.
Friday, September 22, 2023
A scientist decides that there really is a God
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
An Invitation - To read the Bible
This is a short series of talks inviting people to do things that God encourages them to do. All of the ideas are taken from the Bible.
In this video, I would like to invite you to do something. It is a call to action. It is possible to know the God of the Bible and to discover what He is saying to you as an individual. Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel if you want to discover what God is saying to people in the world today. Thanks for watching.
Monday, September 18, 2023
Do you make the same mistakes more than once?
One of the common problems we all have is our weakness to resist temptation. It is the same for every one of us. We often explain it away by saying ‘we are only human’ or ‘it’s my weakness’ or similar phrases. The simple fact is that we are flawed by nature and there are things in life that we find very hard to resist. Having said all that when a person gets saved or becomes a Christian, they are a new creation, 2 Cor. 5. 17. They will still feel the struggle that is caused by temptation, but they now have new life and the Spirit of God to strengthen them and keep them from falling.
Scripture Reading
Let no one say when he is tempted,
‘I am tempted by God’;
for God cannot be tempted by evil,
nor does He Himself tempt anyone
James 1:13
Today’s verse is saying that God does not have a problem with evil. He is not attracted to it. This is best illustrated in the life of the Lord Jesus. When the Devil came to tempt Him, it is stated that there was nothing in Him that responded to his advances, John 14. 30. So simply put God does not struggle with evil not did the Lord Jesus. If only we could say that; but things are so different for us.
We all have a daily battle, see Romans 7, with right and wrong. Some days are worse than others and some things are more of a temptation than others. Resisting thinking wrong things is a problem but once a person is saved it can get more intense as their conscience is keener than before. Thankfully, they have the Holy Spirit to appeal to for help.
In closing do not lose sight of this. God never tempts us to do evil. He may test us at times, but it is never His purpose for us to sin. In fact, he wants us to learn to resist temptation and to be aware of our weaknesses. Submit to God. Resist the Devil and he will flee from you, James writes in chapter 4 verse 7.
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Would you rather fly Economy Class or Business Class?
Saturday, September 16, 2023
6 reasons why Christianity should never be a state religion
No 1 - Legal coercion will not produce the kingdom of God in a fallen world.
No 2 - Because Christians agree to make room for non-Christian faiths (including naturalistic, materialistic faiths), not because commitment to God’s supremacy is unimportant, but because it must be voluntary, or it is worthless.
No 3 - Because we have a God-centered reason for making room for atheism. The Lord Jesus said, 'My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight,' John 18. 36. Christians don't have the right to alter this world or to get involved in its political system, Phil 3. 20. The fact is that God will establish His kingdom through the supernatural miracle of faith, not firearms or force. This means that Christians in this age should not endorse coercive governments, Christian or secular or get involved in Christianization of society!
No 4 - Christians resist, in principle, the coercive secularization implied in some laws that repress Christian activity in public places.
No 5 - It is not that we want to establish Christianity as the law of our land. That is intrinsically impossible, because of the spiritual nature of the kingdom of God, Romans 14. 17. It is rather because repression of free exercise of religion and persuasion is as wrong against Christians as it is against secularists.
No 6 - Tolerance is rooted in the very nature of the gospel of Christ. The current spiritual nature of God’s kingdom is until Christ comes to implement rights and authority that we do not currently have.
So what is required of us?
The primary responsibility of the Christian is to go into the world with the gospel. Jesus said - 'Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen, Matthew 28:19,20.
For more information go to