Saturday, December 30, 2023

Finding direction in life

Photos courtesy of Unsplash 

The River Severn rises in the mountains of Wales, passing by the Powys towns of Newtown, Welshpool and over the border into England. Meandering through Shrewsbury and on to Stourport, Worcester and Gloucester. Here there are inland docks with the commencement of the canal to Sharpness, with its access to the Severn Estuary and the Bristol Channel. The river itself flows on to open out into its famous estuary. It has seen times of substantial waterborne cargoes.

Before the days of steam tugs, hundreds of vessels called trows, either propelled by sail or pulled by horses and men, carried cargoes up to Pool Quay near Welshpool. It was not easy as the river is notorious for being shallow. Crews had to rely upon spring tides  and flood water to keep going. 


Children in Need

Photos courtesy of Unsplash 

What has Solomon from the Old Testament, the prophet Joel, again from the Old Testament, the late Sir Terry Wogan and Pudsey Bear got in common? Care for children, for ‘Children in Need’ to use the phrase from the BBC’s annual appeal as it raises millions of pounds to fund services for children. 
In Psalm 127, which is a song by Solomon for worship, we read that “Children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord.” As a comprehensive school teacher, I have had the privilege of working with thousands of youngsters for over 25 years now and also had the privilege of helping out in Sunday school work and Youth work. Children have, and continue to be a very important part of my day-to-day life. 


Friday, December 29, 2023

It’s all over!

Photos courtesy of Unsplash 

And suddenly, it’s all over!

Once again, after all the adverts, lights, shopping, nativity plays and seasonal films, Christmas is once again behind us and we start talking about “the New Year”. 

It reminds me of my Christmases when I was a boy.  The excitement started building weeks before the big day and the anticipation grew daily until, finally, it was Christmas eve.  As I was packed off to bed, I felt sure I wouldn’t sleep a wink – but I always did.  Then Christmas morning arrived with all the excitement of new toys and, even better, new books.


Sunday, December 10, 2023

Good Will

The Christmas season is looked upon as the time of goodwill but will it be for many people in different parts of the world, particularly the Middle East? Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, Israel to name but a few. Problems of political contrasts, social and religious divides cause an absence of goodwill. Some of their leaders have had to either stand down or be executed, having lost the confidence and goodwill of the people.

Back in July Dr. James Zogby, Founder and President of the Arab American Institute wrote an article entitled Diminishing goodwill for U.S. Middle East policy. He stated ‘A few months back I had a quick exchange with President Obama about the U.S. standing in the Arab World. When I mentioned that we would be conducting a poll to assess Arab attitudes two years after his Cairo speech, he responded that he expected that the ratings would be quite low and would remain low until the U.S. could help find a way to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Well, the results are in, and the President was right. In our survey of over 4,000 Arabs from six countries (Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE), we found that favorable attitudes toward the U.S. had declined sharply since our last poll (which had been conducted in 2009 after Obama's first 100 days in office). ……If anything, the results of this latest poll of Arab opinion demonstrates how precarious the position of the United States is in the Middle East and how important it has become for American policy makers to pay attention to what Arabs are saying. Some may play politics with critical Middle East issues and gloat at their success at having stymied the President's efforts to make peace and restore America's image in the region. But as the results of this survey make clear, their success has come at a price; one that is being paid by the entire country.’

Is there any goodwill being shown in the demonstrations, riots or strikes in so many places? Folk have their own agenda and give little thought to the consequences of their actions as it relates to the disadvantaged. Many suffer loss as a result of violence and selfish behaviour.

Allow me a moment of fantasy. How if top managers and CEO’s were only rewarded for success and not failure and that their bonuses bore semblance to the level of success and did not put the rewards of their emplyees in the shade. What if young men and women, instead of defacing and trashing their enviroment used their energy and ability to improve their locality and assisting elderly or disabled people to cope with daily life. Some business people do show goodwill to their employees wth an appropriate gift at Christmas. A generous boss will secure the loyalty of their workforce when production is required to rise, or overtime to be worked. Goodwill is a two way street and has a tendacy to improve relationships and the well being of all that benefit.

There are five quotations of ‘Good will’ in the Bible, the first in Deut.33 is the blessing of the tribe of Joseph by Moses before he died, “And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the LORD be his land, for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, and for the deep that coucheth beneath, And for the precious fruits brought forth by the sun, and for the precious things put forth by the moon, And for the chief things of the ancient mountains, and for the precious things of the lasting hills, And for the precious things of the earth and fulness thereof, and for the good will of him that dwelt in the bush: let the blessing come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the top of the head of him that was separated from his brethren. Moses showed plenty of good will himself to Joseph but also wanted God’s good will upon him.

The first New Testament quote is probably the best known one, it is Luke 2;14, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” It was when the heavenly host of angels announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherds at Bethlehem. Their song was only fourteen words, revealing three precious aspects of truth. They sang, “Glory to God in the highest”, giving praise and worship to God for sending His Son into the world to be the Saviour of sinners such as us. Salvation finds its source in the deep love of God; we owe everything to Him for sending and giving His Son ultimately to die on a cross at Calvary. They sang, “And on earth peace,” this poor old war-torn world that is marked by such daily blood shed, will soon enjoy the blessing of this heavenly melody when the Prince of Peace returns to establish His kingdom. I think that the last four words, “Good will toward men” would have been a crescendo of praise by the sweetest of voices, expressing the desire of God’s heart for the blessing of all mankind. God desires that all should be saved, be born again, His good will is seen in sending Christ in order that mankind might be blessed with salvation. But everyone will not be saved, because not everyone believes in Christ nor have received Him as their Lord and Saviour, never been born again. John said, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” to enter the kingdom of God one must be born again.

Now think of this! At the time Christ sets up His kingdom on earth, every person entering in will be born again. There will be peace on earth for the government shall be upon His shoulder. Bloodshed of man will not be a daily thing, it will not happen; all on earth will experience the good will of God. Hallelujah! What a Saviour!

Written for Stan Burditt and published on Stephen G Baker’s Blog


Saturday, December 09, 2023

Hark the Herald Angels Sing

One of the things that I really love about this time of year is the music. I mean all of it, I love all the songs but particularly the Christmas Carols.

We sing the same songs, year after year, and the words get stuck in our heads; we can often recite the words without even thinking about it. 

Many people attend Carol Services and Concerts and while a wide range of songs are sung the majority are still Carols. The words of the Carols can teach us a lot about the message of Christmas. 

Friday, December 01, 2023

Does anybody care?

Does Anyone Care?

Does anyone care? That’s a question that lonely people often ask themselves throughout the winter season. Everyone else seems to have people to share the Christmas season with, and the first weeks of the year can be dreary and depressing.
Life is full of questions and often the answers are difficult. Stephen Baker seeks to answer various questions about life and faith using the Bible as his only source. Listen to Stephen’s show, “Life Questions,” on HopeStreamRadio as he tackles the challenge of life questions.

Does Anyone Care?

This time of the year can be a lonely time for many people! Everyone has their family, or do they? There are a lot of people about who are very private and keep themselves to themselves. They would not trouble anyone with their problems and would not presume that anyone else is interested.

Thursday, November 30, 2023


'Happy Christmas' A departed friend of mine used to say, ‘Happiness depends upon happenings but joy abides!’ I hear what he was saying because there is a difference isn’t there? 

Friday, November 17, 2023

Are you struggling with a storm in your life?

Photo by Nathan Hurst on Unsplash

Photo by Jason Blackeye on Unsplash

Photo by Erik Hathaway on Unsplash

There is an old seafaring tradition that if the ship sinks the captain should go down with the ship. Now I will be the first to admit that I don’t know much about sailing, but that sounds like the stupidest tradition of which  I have ever heard.  I think jumping into a life boat and living to sail another day would be much better. Many people today are in danger of going down with the ship, and have the type of attitude that says, “Since the ship is going down, I might as well go down with it.” The storm’s of discouragement, despair, and disbelief threaten to sink us, but rather than going down with the ship we must find a life boat because there is nothing noble about a senseless spiritual death. 


Monday, November 13, 2023

‘It’s a one way ticket for me … but I’m ready.’


All photos courtesy of Unsplash

When I saw the above headline, I wondered if the words were spoken by someone who was about to die but was ready to do so, and I read further.  The article was, in fact, the touching story of a Ukrainian man who had taken the decision to get his wife and family safely out of Ukraine, then, having done so, to return to his homeland, alone, to join the national effort to defend it.  As he said, it was a 'one-way ticket’: he had assessed the situation, and made the difficult choice to travel to that place of danger, having no plans to leave again, and with the very real risk that he would lose his life.


Saturday, November 11, 2023

Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it

Passage to read - Psalm 78:12-54

Verse 35 – ‘then they remembered that God was their Rock, and the Most High God their Redeemer’

Are you into history? Do you find it fascinating to talk to old people about their memories? I often forget that old people once were young (sounds pretty obvious) and that they faced lots of situations in life and can teach us so much. One of the problems of being energetic and busy is that you don’t take time to think and learn from others. Maybe you are like that.

Thursday, November 09, 2023

What if life could be different for you?

All photos used by courtesy of Unsplash 

One of the most famous hymns must be “Amazing Grace” written by John Newton in 1772. It has been covered by dozens of famous singers over the years and has sold hundreds of thousands of copies, no doubt making many rich in the process.

Of far more value than all the riches it has made, is the richness of meaning within its words. It starts “Amazing grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.”

Grace is a wonderful word, it is the counter balance to mercy. Mercy is when we do not get what we deserve. Ephesians 2 states, that God is rich in mercy. God’s mercy means that we do not have to face the consequence of our sin, we can rest on God’s mercy and forgiveness. Just a few verses later we read of the exceeding riches of God’s grace.

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Planning for Christmas

I think I am quite a contented person. My Christmas present list is usually non- existent and when asked I struggle to think of things I really need. Maybe this is because I am so well looked after, that I have very little need of anything.

The whole idea of being content poses questions that we would be wise to ask regularly

Am I satisfied with my life?

Is there meaning in my life that is bigger than merely maintaining my existence?

The Bible suggests that we were not placed on this planet for our own pleasure! We are actually most satisfied when living life in the way God designed. Focusing on self is not the best way although it is our natural bias. 

The Lord Jesus Christ is the best example of the right way to live. In fact, He was the only person ever to live up to the exacting and high standards of God as defined in the Bible. In the biblical book, ‘Hebrews’ Jesus is described as 'holy... and undefiled'. BUT in addition to this He lived for the glory of his Father, read John 17:4, and for the good of the people He came into contact with, see Acts 10:38.

Wednesday, November 01, 2023

What do the words "Grace" & "Faith" mean?


All photos courtesy of Unsplash


'For by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works so that no one can boast,' Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8-9.


Grace and faith are two fundamental things that we must grasp if we are going to be right with God.


Grace means that we have received something we don't deserve. Since God is the creator and giver of all good things, His grace is already being shown to all. The most outstanding example of His grace was sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to be born in Bethlehem and eventually grow up and die on the cross. Through His death, He took our penalty for sin so that we, sinful men and women, can come to God. No wonder the Bible describes God's grace as 'exceeding abundant,' 1st Timothy chapter 1 verse 14.

On what basis are we then to come to God? The answer to that is in the second part of this verse. By faith! We read about faith in another passage in the Bible: 'Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen,' Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1.


Does that mean that Christian faith is blind? Certainly not! We can understand this point from an example in daily life; we have good reason to trust in a qualified lifeguard if we are in danger in water. We also have good reason to trust in God, who provided His Son for our deliverance from sin and Hell. All that is left for us to do is put our faith in Christ that He will forgive our sins and grant us eternal life in Heaven. After doing this, the Bible calls us saved.

Written by a Guest Blogger


Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The most remarkable book in the world.

All photos used by courtesy of Unsplash 

The Bible is a remarkable book, we can even say totally unique.  It is divided into Old Testament, completed four hundred years before the birth of Jesus and the New Testament, completed by the end of the first century AD. The Old Testament has many strands of predictive prophecy and the most important of those predictions apply to the Lord Jesus.  It has been worked our that there are sixty prophecies focused  upon various aspects of Jesus including His birth, death, burial and resurrection. This is an amazing number and they came true in the minutest detail.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Sir James Simpson - Discovering meaning in life

All photographs courtesy of Unsplash

In  Bathgate, a town in Scotland, a boy was born in 1811.  His family were not wealthy, and his mother died when he was nine years old, but he went on to become one of the most famous doctors that has ever lived.  His name was James Simpson, and he was educated at the University of Edinburgh and trained as a doctor.

He attended the operating room soon after starting his medical training and the place was not as clean as it might be, and there were no gowns, masks or gloves worn by those doing the operation. The patient was terrified and had to be held down firmly on the table as the operation took place.  As the surgical knife was used, the screams of the patient echoed around the building as there were no anaesthetics in those days.  The sound of that distressed patient stayed with James Simpson, and he determined to see an end to such suffering and conscious surgery. 
He gained high qualifications in medicine and became a Professor at the University at the unusually young age of twenty-eight.  He had a thriving medical practice and was earning a lot of money, and as a lecturer, his ability was almost without equal.  He was just brilliant in all he did and used unique illustrations to interest students, and had a magnetic personality.  Students heard increasingly about his ability and crowded continually into his lecture rooms to hear him teach.  

Outwardly, everything was going so well, and he even seemed to be a Christian believer as he went to church.  Yet he knew he had no relationship with God, and his questions became very pointed when he saw his young daughter die of a serious illness, and he was helpless to save her life.  Yet he was more concerned with material and monetary aspects of daily living than the important spiritual concerns of the soul.  

In 1846, he heard of the anaesthetic called ether, which was discovered in America. It was tried in Scotland, but its dangers and disadvantages were so great that it was unsatisfactory.  James Simpson set about finding a viable alternative. After trying many, many drugs and recording their effects, he eventually hit upon chloroform.  To begin with, he did nothing with the sample he had obtained, but then he tried it out on himself and two colleagues, and it caused them to lose consciousness and collapse.  This was the discovery of the ‘better anaesthetic’ and was a great success.  It was first used on a mother in labour, and she was so excited by the less painful birth that she named her baby Anaesthesia.  James Simpson was now not only admired and rich but had national fame as the discoverer of chloroform as an anaesthetic.

Yet, for all his fame, fortune and celebrity status, he had not found peace of heart or a relationship with God. He saw his best friend, Dr. Reid, die in extreme pain but with a peacefulness which he envied and wanted to find for himself.  Eventually, it was an invalid woman, a firm Christian, whom he was treating, who showed him the way. She urged him to repent of sin and selfishness and seek Christ as the only Saviour of sinners.  It was on Christmas Day 1858 that James Simpson became a changed man, a new Christian, someone with a deep and real relationship with God.  

He used to say to his students, “In Christ, you will find a Saviour, a companion, a counsellor, a friend, a brother who loves you with a love greater than the human heart can conceive.”  He was later knighted and had royal approval for his discovery when Queen Victoria was attended by James Simpson and used chloroform during the birth of Prince Leopold.  Sir James Young Simpson died at the age of fifty-eight, and 2,000 people attended his funeral.  His final testimony was, “We can do nothing to wash away our guilt before God, but Christ has done all that is required.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”  That can apply to us!

Written by PAUL YOUNG 

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