Thursday, August 11, 2022

What is your direction in life!


Personal Photographs

Last week I was in Northern Ireland along with my wife. A friend and colleague was speaking to children each evening in a large marquee, and I was teaching adults from the Bible. It was a brilliant week and a great opportunity to tell hundreds of children about the Lord Jesus Christ and then to teach the children’s event leaders about things the word of God says will happen in the future.

As I journeyed home, I took some time to reflect and consider life. It was a beautiful day; the sun was shining, the sea was calm and glistening, and everything seemed to be going well. I knew where I was going (Liverpool, God willing) but I wondered if all my readers know where their destination will be when this life is over. Heavy stuff, but sometimes we need to stop and reflect!
During the past week, we have been considering what the Bible has to say about the future of this planet and its people. The Bible says that this world will not last forever; it is passing away - scary but true.
There is a clear warning in the Bible that we need to prepare. As I walked around the ship, I was happy to find that provision has been made for emergencies. There are lifeboats, life jackets and emergency meeting points. Thankfully emergencies don’t happen very often, but it’s comforting to know that someone has thought about the possibility and prepared for them.
I wonder if you have taken advantage of the provision that has been made to keep you safe as you make your passage through life? Or if you are aware of how to ensure that you arrive at the right destination in the next life. I leave you by quoting one of the most famous verses in the Bible - John chapter 3, verse 16. It states, ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life’.
These words explain why you can be sure of heaven, why you can have peace in the present and know forgiveness for past mistakes. They give meaning and purpose to present living and the guarantee of the right destiny in the next life.
I am so glad that Jesus Christ is the anchor of my soul and that by His death, burial and resurrection, He made provision to keep me safe through life, to take me through death and into heaven at the end of my life. This is not because I’m a good person because He’s a great Saviour.
Do you have this hope?
For more information, get in touch (
Have a good day,
Stephen Baker

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