Monday, November 08, 2021

One Event - Two Reactions

All photos courtesy of Unsplash

In April 2018, on the anniversary of the recommencement of the State of Israel, the Jerusalem Post reported that ‘While Israeli Jews mark Independence Day with fireworks and barbecues, the flags that sprout everywhere in Jewish areas will be absent from Arab towns, and the thoughts of many there will turn to what they term the “Nakba” (catastrophe) that they associate with Israel’s birth. 

The same date and occasion produced two different reactions from two diverse groups of people - gladness or grief, delight or dread, pleasure, or pain.

Many events in history have produced diverse reactions. In 1998 the Good Friday Agreement (or Belfast Agreement) saw large majority support, but some were still not happy about the deal.  After the 2014 Scottish Independence referendum, some were delighted to remain part of the United Kingdom while many despaired at the outcome. In the relatively recent 2016 EU Brexit Referendum, the results were very divisive as people took strong positions as ‘leavers’ or ‘remainers’. 


As regular readers of this column will know, one of my aims is to present to people the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sadly, the gospel often produces the same diverse reaction as these events have done. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, while producing immense blessing for those who are prepared to repent and trust Him, results in great depression and judgment for those who refuse to acknowledge that He died for them.

This type of response to the gospel is predicted in the Bible. In 1st Corinthians chapter 1, the Apostle Paul records that 'the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but to us which are saved it is the power of God’. The same man writing in Romans chapter 1 verse 16 states, 'For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes'. The inference in the second passage is that the same God who has the power to save cannot do anything but condemn those who refuse to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

The gospel message offers salvation, forgiveness, and peace with God to all who are prepared to believe but leaves God with no alternative but to condemn and exclude people who refuse His gift of salvation and eternal life. Thus, the gospel message will ultimately be the evidence God will use to condemn unbelieving individuals on the day of judgment. 

I wonder which of these two responses to the gospel will be yours?

My prayer is that you will enjoy eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. But sadly, the alternative could be that you face separation from God because you rejected Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

The choice is yours – please choose wisely. Remember, whatever you decide God will honour your choice.


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