Scripture Reading
2 Cor.1.20
‘all the promises of God in him are
yea, and in him Amen’,
This is a tremendous statement but how can I be confident that it is true.
At a very simple level as a Christian, I accept that the Bible is the word of God and if it says that God cannot break His promises, well that’s good enough for me.
My second reason for believing this statement is the evidence of what God has done to date. In Romans chapter 15 verse 8 we learn that the Lord Jesus ‘confirmed the promises made unto the fathers’. In other words, He did what God had promised He would do. We find a similar statement in Titus chapter 1 verses 2 & 3. God promised ‘eternal life’ and the Lord Jesus provided it. If God has never broken His promises to date, why would I assume that he will break them in the future?
If you happen to be reading this and are not saved you should find this truth quite disturbing. If God never goes back on His word, then you are in big trouble. God has promised to judge the world in righteousness by the Lord Jesus. God will always do what is right and just and justice will always be carried out in the end.