Death seems hopeless but let me remind you that even in a hopeless situation there is hope to be found in Jesus.
Facing Death
From time to time I visit people who are sick. Sometimes I call at their homes, but often I pop into the hospital to see them. Hospitals can be very sad places. The circumstances and struggles of life and the prospect of facing death are often confronted head-on in a hospital.
Nurses, Doctors, Porters and Cleaners are often amazing people. Their skills and abilities far exceed the basic requirement to clean, transport and provide medical care. Usually, it is these unrecognized people who have a kind word to say and the ability to encourage, amuse and lift a person’s spirit. They are quite an amazing group of people.
A Hopeless Situation
But, here’s my question. What do you say to someone who is dying? When all prospect of recovery has gone, and the raw and painful news that life is drawing to an end comes what can you say? Platitudes and empty words are of no value then!
The other day I stood in a hospital lift. Various people got out at each floor and eventually, the only people left were another lady and me. She glanced at the Bible in my hand, and as she left the lift she said, with a sigh, ‘it’s a hopeless situation’. I don’t really know what she meant. As the lift door closed before I could ask her, I didn’t find out. But I do know this, that for many life ends in a hopeless situation.
A Hopeless Situation
The Lord Jesus was a close friend of a family who lived in a small hamlet called Bethany. It is located on the eastern slope of Mount Olivet, about two miles south-east of Jerusalem, on the road to Jericho. Lazarus’ sisters were most upset when he took ill and even more upset when Jesus did not turn up. They had even sent him a message to let Him know that Lazarus was sick. Jesus was missing when they needed him most. Maybe you feel like that at times! God doesn’t seem to turn up when you need him most. It is hard at times to understand why life turns out the way it does. However, one thing we can learn from this story is that God cares even when we assume he doesn’t.
Jesus arrived four days after the funeral. Martha and Mary (the sisters) are quite indignant. If He had come in time Lazarus would not have died for Jesus was renowned for making sick people well.
Hopeless to Hope
Sometimes God allows us to go through experiences to teach us lessons that we could never learn in the easier seasons of life. God can be trusted in life and when facing sickness and death. You will understand what I mean about trusting God if you have ever had an experience like I had. Many years ago, I came to understand that I had wronged God (sinned) and had no hope in this life or the next. The best bit was that I also learned that Christ had died for my sins. God loved me so much that He had given His Son, Jesus, to pay for my wrong, to forgive me and give me hope.
Mary and Martha’s devastation and sorrow turned to joy when they realized that there is life after death and hope for the future for those who believe in Jesus. He is as he stated ‘the resurrection and the life’ – read the whole story for yourself in the New Testament in John chapter eleven.
If you are facing illness and trauma in life please be assured of this, God loves you and cares for you more than you can imagine.

Stephen Baker
You can listen to podcasts from Stephen’s program, “Life Questions,” by clicking here. We encourage you to visit Stephen’s website at: www.seekthetruth.org.uk, where you can access podcasts and videos explaining the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
Contact Info
Life is full of questions and often the answers are difficult. Stephen Baker seeks to answer various questions about life and faith using the Bible as his only source. Listen to Stephen’s show, “Life Questions,” on HopeStreamRadio as he tackles the challenge of life questions.
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Kayaking – Free-Photos
Family at Sunset – jill111
Elevator – nakataza02
Woman – Free-Photos
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