This is a term, used increasingly, to describe a situation where the truth has been suppressed, the facts have been misreported and people misled by a string of lies and a web of deceit. This is done deliberately to obscure the truth and to allow the guilty to appear innocent.
The recent Leveson inquiry attempted to discover the truth behind phone-hacking scandals and shockingly intrusive journalism that had been tolerated for years without people being fully aware of the full extent of such deplorable malpractice. The inquiry into the Hillsborough disaster, when many football fans were trampled to death, was carried out to reveal what really happened on that tragic day of the 15th. April 1989. A concerted effort had been made by the police to shift the blame onto the fans and only now are we discovering who really was to blame and what actually happened. Again and again, demands are made for public inquiries to try to ascertain the facts and disclose the truth. After years of silence and deception, many are finally being brought to justice for crimes they had covered up for decades.
Humans have been involved in cover-up since the dawn of their history; read Genesis chapter 3 and listen to Adam and Eve as they try to shift the blame and distort the facts. How rare it is for people to acknowledge the truth especially when they are at fault; few will willingly bear the blame and confess their wrongdoing. How difficult it is to admit, as did King David in Psalm 51.4, "Against Thee, Thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in Thy sight." God will not tolerate any other attitude; He sees through our deceit and He demands total honesty if we are to be blessed. "Behold, Thou desirest truth in the inward parts …" Psalm 51.6.
My friend, do not attempt to cover up your sin; God cannot be deceived; His all-seeing, penetrating eyes easily pierce the flimsy defence of your deception; He knows the truth; He has witnessed and recorded your every sin; not one has been overlooked or omitted. "… all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with Whom we have to do" Hebrews 4.13. "These things hast thou done, and I kept silence; … but I will reprove thee, and set them in order before thine eyes" Psalm 50.21.
However, the guilty may be pardoned, the lawbreakers can be justified and your every sin can be forgiven. It was when the prodigal son of Luke chapter 15 was prepared to acknowledge that he had sinned, that he received the kiss of forgiveness and the embrace of reconciliation from his father. Guilty though you are, "for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" Romans 3.23, yet you can have every charge of guilt removed, never to be raised again. All this has been made possible by the willingness of One Who was sinless, God’s own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to become accountable for our sins and to bear the fearful punishment we deserved. We did all the sinning but He bore all the suffering, "Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree" 1Peter 2.24. "Christ died for our sins" 1Corinthians 15.3.
You can escape the eternal consequences of your sins by trusting the Saviour God provided and by depending alone upon His death to shield you from the just judgment you deserve. Don’t cover up your sins; confess them and find refuge in the One Who "took the guilty sinner’s place and suffered in his stead".
Used by kind permission of Assembly Testimony
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