Saturday, September 09, 2023

Life Rule - Always expect the unexpected!

Life is so unpredictable. At times this can be exciting but sometimes it is extremely frightening.

There are many situations in life that we cannot control. Illness, the weather, what other people do and say and how other people drive for example. Some things can be avoided and we can take precautions but many circumstances are outwith our control. The ultimate example being death. We may be able to take our life by force (it is tragic when someone gets to that level of despair) but we cannot and do not live for ever and have no power over the day of our death.

There is hope however. The only man who ever lived who had control over death was Jesus, the Son of God. Not only did He bring at least three people back to life (see John 11, Luke 8.41-56 and Luke 7.11-18, the Bible) but He voluntarily sacrificed His life when He died on the cross. I am not only referring to His going to the cross willingly but that when it came to his death, life did not ebb away (as it would with us) but that He consciously sacrificed His life to save us (see Luke 23.46).

The profound message of Christianity is this. 

Sin has consequences morally in the Court of Heaven. God is loving and unfailingly holy. His distaste of sin is such that it would be an affront to His character to allow us into His presence who have been contaminated by sin. The dilemma is that God wants to share life with His creatures but His creatures by willful disobedience have distanced themselves from Him.

Enter, the Son of God. The divine plan was this. The Son of God became man through a miraculous conception but a normal birth. In His thirty three years on earth Jesus provided clear evidence of His divinity, by the miracles and supernatural things He did. He was also sinless, holy and flawless in character. As man He chose to die but as He was without sin (fault) His death was payment for our sins. As a result God was still holy but in His love offers individuals pardon and forgiveness.

So how do you get this forgiveness. Well God treats His creatures as thinking individuals. He has given them the capacity to choose. The offer is on the table. Consider, grieve about and admit your sin to God (not a Priest nor anyone). Believe and depend on what the Lord Jesus has done and accept Him as your Saviour.

I cannot describe the change that you will find when you come to God. It cannot be defined in words. It does not guarantee a problem free existence. It will bring about changes in your lifestyle (not enforced changed as a result of rules but changes in interests and desires for the better). It will mean your guilty status before God has been resolved. You will be saved for ever.

Read the Bible, 'seek the Lord while He may be found'.


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