Saturday, May 20, 2017

Christ the Head of principalities and powers – Colossians 2:10

Days portion for reading  - Col 2:1-10

Christ the Head of principalities and powers – Colossians 2:10

It is a wise thing to be clear in your thinking about the Lord Jesus. The men who had come to Colosse were determined to undervalue the Lord Jesus Christ. They taught, among other things, that the Lord Jesus was just an angel who had come down to earth and that he certainly was not God. Some taught that the Lord Jesus had become ‘Messiah’ or God at his baptism and that he was only endued with divine power for the three-year period of his public ministry.  Paul writes, guided by the Holy Spirit, and makes it very clear that the Lord Jesus is the living God, full stop. No question, no argument. We have seen the evidence provided in chapter one to support this. In chapter two we are confronted with the fact that presently the ‘fullness of the Godhead’ dwells in the Lord Jesus. In other words, this is still the case long after he returned to heaven. When we add the evidence of chapter one to this truth stated in chapter two it is clearly seen that the Lord Jesus is eternally God.

To counteract the false teaching that had come to Colosse the Lord Jesus is announced to be ‘head of all principality and power’. In chapter one it has been made clear that everything was created for him, 1:16. It does not matter the level or sphere of authority it was all created by him and for him. The Lord Jesus is ‘head of all principality and power’. He is superior to and in command of every form of power and authority.

Often when the term principality and power is used it relates to authority generally, good or bad, earthly or heavenly but when the expression is used in Colossians 2:15 it relates to evil powers. 

Three things (among many other things) happened at Calvary;

1.  The Lord Jesus answered the demands of God in respect of his holiness, Rom 3:26;
2.  The Lord Jesus made salvation available to fallen humanity, Rom 3:26;
3.   The Lord Jesus dealt with the devil and the fallen angels, 
    Heb. 2:14, Rev 12:9.

At Calvary, the Lord Jesus dealt with the issues of sin and death and in doing so annulled Satan of his power. The full impact of this will be seen in a future day. The Lord Jesus robbed the forces of evil of their power and triumphed over them in doing so. Just as we wait for the day when we shall know salvation in all aspects of our lives the day is coming when the Lord will put into action the sentence that was passed at Calvary. 

He is head of all principality and power.


The Final Trumpet said...

Wow this is amazing !! Wonder where to get this information and background for epistles like this I never find this info in study Bible :(

Unknown said...

The Lord Jesus Christ been the head of every principalities and powers breaks the devil's back bone. That simply put means the devil cannot get even with a believer in Christ Jesus; because the devil hasn't got what it takes. Christ Jesus is the All in All.

Stephen Baker of Seek the Truth said...

Thanks for your comment. I have been privileged to listen to good bible teachers for over 50 years and they have helped me understand the scripture. 2 Tim 2:2 teaches that truth should be communicated from generation to generation by trustworthy and faithful men. When I was a boy I listened to Scottish miner’s preach. They knew God and His word so well and their Bible Teaching was rich with their experience with God as well. The Lord bless you in the Study of the word of God.

Stephen Baker of Seek the Truth said...

You are right. Colossians teaches that He (the Lord Jesus) is Head of all principalities and powers. Hebrews 2 states that He destroyed him that had the power of death, that is the devil. The devil is a defeated foe and one day he will be cast down from the heavens (Revelation 12) and eventually cast in to the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:10). What a wonderful Saviour we have. Amen.

Unknown said...

What a mighty God we serve.

Anonymous said...
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Derek Dawson said...

First time here at your blog and wanted to say i enjoyed reading this

Abiodun Ahmed said...

Thank you for this teaching, l now have clear understanding of collosian 2: 10 and it relate to collosian 1: 16.
It is very clear , believers in Christ Jesus need not to be afraid of the the kingdom of Satan because our lord Jesus created them and they are created for him and all things are under him.

Chinedu Marcel Emecheta said...

Exactly 💯
This is a proof that no power and principalities in any way can disobey the Commands of Master Jesus Christ as the Bible said that the demons begged to be casted in to the swines
What a power demonstration

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