Tuesday, October 18, 2016

No hiding place - do you like privacy?

Do you like a bit of privacy? I felt sorry for a famous footballer last year when I saw him, his wife and little one (no clues as to who it was for the sake of privacy) trying to fish for crabs on the Wirral. They did well to remain unobserved for so long. Their backs were to the people who were strolling along the promenade, the buggy was facing the sea, a packet of chips was on the back of the buggy and the only clue of any wealth was the pack of Tesco's Finest pancetta. They were quietly fishing for crabs when someone spotted them. You can imagine what happened next; people were queuing up for a photograph or an autograph and the peace was shattered. It wasn't long until 'the Mrs' decided that it was time to go and they moved on.

Who were they? Guessing who the famous couple were would be irrelevant and it's not the point of the story. The point is that you can't remain hidden for ever! If you are in the public eye, you are recognisable and you will be spotted no matter how well you hid yourself away.

What about ordinary folk like you and me? Do anybody notice or even care what we do? Can I assure you someone does? Many of you hopefully have good neighbours and a good family. - if you have both you are privileged! People who care for you and look out for you! There are many kind and caring people in the world and though they may not be aware of it they try to live the teaching of Jesus - 'Love your neighbour as yourself', Matthew 22:39. It's a tall order and none of us do it to perfection, but it's good to try. 

Do you feel that no one is looking out for you? Grasp this fact - God is interested in your life! The bible states that in the happy times of life he fills 'our hearts with food and gladness', Acts 14:17, and in the sad times he offers to be with us 'through the valley of the shadow of death', Psalm 23:4. I would not attempt to explain the complexities of life's sadness in this short piece but I must assure you that the tragedies of life are not what God wants for humanity. 

Sin, evil and all the wrong that comes with them are the result of our choices and the consequences of these choices last for generations. Most of can see in our own family history that wrong words and actions have had a long term negative effect. God sent his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to die for our sins. He rose from the dead to assure us that forgiveness is available to those will accept it. 

There is hope of better things now and in eternity!

Please note that all quotations in this column are from the Bible

To access podcasts and videos explaining the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ visit www.seekthetruth.org.uk

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