Justice - is our sense of justice inbuilt or created by society?
We now live in a society where the general opinion about
whether things are right or wrong can at times be vague.

Here are some things to consider:
· Why do children cry
“that’s not fair” or “it’s not right”!
· Is there is an
inbuilt awareness of fairness in a child!
· Why is it common
for people to have a really well developed feeling for what is right and what
is wrong?
The Bible gives us the explanation. It teaches that God
“has written His law in our hearts”. God gave us this inbuilt awareness of
right and wrong. Holy scripture (the Bible) teaches that we have a conscience.
It teaches that we have an inbuilt knowledge within ourselves and a knowledge
about ourselves. We automatically can clarify the reality of the rightness or
wrongness of the things that we say, feel and do.
For example, most of us feel impulsively that to tell
blatant lies is wrong. We instinctively know that to remove property that
belongs to someone else is wrong. The Bible teaches these principles but
somehow we know them to be true! Is that significant or co-incidental?
The ‘ten commandments’ teach that you shouldn’t steal, you
shouldn’t lie, and that you shouldn’t take somebody else’s wife and so on. The
list defines prohibitions as well as teaching positive things that we should
do. Things like loving God with all your heart and with all your soul and all
your mind (and Jesus summarized the rest by saying “Thou shalt love thy
neighbor as thyself” – Matthew 22:39).

These things are right. I believe we are like this in
society because God has implanted in us an awareness of things that are very
important to Him - a consciousness of right and wrong and of the realities of
living in a way that is fair and equitable. God describes Himself as a just, as
well as righteous, doing right. He is a God of light; God is love, a God who is
eternal and a God who is all-knowing!
We wouldn’t know these things if God hadn’t revealed them
to us in the Bible. This is why the Bible is such a key book for us to read. In
fact it is God’s message to humanity and it’s an amazing thing that we have it
so freely available despite some societies today that still restrict access to
the Word of God.
Let me leave you with a statement from the Bible, the
Bible says this, “For Christ also has once suffered for sins, the just for
the unjust, that He might bring us to God”, 1 Peter 3:18. This verse is
saying that if God was being just, if God was being fair He would punish is for
our sin, He would penalize us, He would judge us for breaking His law because
we are guilty. But the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came into the
world and suffered for sins to bring us to God. He personally suffered the
penalty for sin by dying for us. Three days later He was brought up back to
life. His resurrection is sufficient evidence that the price for sin was fully
paid. His resurrection establishes that you can take advantage of salvation.
You do this by confessing your sin (to God, not a religious representative) and
asking God to forgive you. You are effectively asking for God’s blessing upon
your life.

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved –
the Bible, Acts 16:31
For more information please visit our webpage www.seekthetruth.org.uk
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