Sooner or later it happens to all of us. The time comes for us to draw our last breath and pass from this life into the next. Over the years history has recorded some fascinating "famous last words"....
- "Oh, my poor soul, what is to become of you? Where do you go?" Cardinal Mazarin
- "Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something." Pancho Villa, Mexican Revolutionary
- "All my possessions for a moment of time!" Elizabeth 1, Queen of England.

These words were expressed by men and women at the point when they were about to leave this world through death. Some people are prepared to die; they have made their peace with God. But others are completely caught off guard. They are not ready to go. Their last moments are filled with uncertainty - even fear and dread.
There is hope for every human being! God sent his Son, Jesus, from heaven to earth ("The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world" - the Bible - 1 John 4:14) so that we might have real life and that the fear of dying might be removed (The Bible - Hebrews 2:15).
How about you?
Do you know the peace of God?
Do you know the God of peace?
You can know both today if you would pray to him telling you need his forgiveness.
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All posts have the aim of pointing people to Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour or to aid Christian growth and development.
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