Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Bloggers Daily Diary - Wednesday

Some of you may be aware that I have the delight of broadcasting on the radio each week. I was thrilled today when my brother in law called me to discuss a new possible radio venture that he has been asked to be involved in. I may get involved if I have the time and if the producers like the type of material I am already producing.

I already have a couple of slots and I really enjoy being involved. One contribution I have is to a program broadcast on Vintage Radio, a local community radio station broadcasting out of the YMCA in Birkenhead. This is called 'Letter from Liverpool'. It's only 10/15 minutes long. The main broadcaster for this program is Ernie Harwick - if you go to Vintage Radio and click on 'Schedules'  and go to Saturdays. The program is called 'Ernie Hardwick Kaleidoscope'. They are usually about an hour long and are on a Saturday at 12 noon and again at 1900. 

The main program I work on is called "The Living Hope Show". This started off on Liverpool Hope University Student Radio and after that opportunity was withdrawn I was invited to take it over to Vintage Radio. The Living Hope Show is broadcast on Saturdays at 0830 and then again at 1530. Why don't you join us one day and have a listen? Just click on at the right time and you'll be ready to go.

My third outlet for radio material is in the USA. This sounds grand but it was really a bit of a co-incidence as to how it happened. I did some video podcast recording for a while for Digital Sojourner, a US based Christian on line resource. They in turn passed my name to a new Internet Christian Radio Station called Hope Stream Radio. My slot is just for five minutes or so once a week - it's called 'Life Questions'. You can access some of the material by clicking this link - 'Life Questions'.

My programs are composed of a number of items:

Life Questions - this slot looks at Bible answers to the big questions of life.

The Lawyer's Case for Christianity - this is an ongoing item which looks at the message of Christianity as explained by one of the greatest evangelists this world has ever seen. Hopefully people get a clear idea of what the gospel is all about!

Truth U Can Trust - this slot is made up of short bible readings.

Did you know? - in this piece I look at things that, possibly, we are not always aware of to see how that might influence our thinking about God, life and spiritual matters.

Interesting Lives - sometime I get the opportunity to interview people and find out what they have done in their lives. I am overdue to interview a dear friend of mine who is now 100 years old. Watch out for this interesting interview that spans 1915 to 2015. A lot of water has gone under the bridge since this dear lady, Grace Michael, was born.

Book Reviews - I try to review a book now and again as I really enjoy reading. Hopefully some of you will enjoy some of the books that I have found to helpful!

Music - we play a cross section of music with Christian lyrics. Most of the music would be from the Jim Reeves, Pat Boone, Cliff Richards and Elvis era but we have started to include some more modern songs as our audience is changing. It was traditionally in the over 50's bracket - which I don't think is old; your view on that will depend on how old you are!

So there you have it; a little précis of the radio work I am involved in. I will look out for you and hope to enjoy your company some day. Any feed back will be appreciated and listened to.


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