Jimmy Saville, a man that who was given
great respect in many ways and many opportunities to affect people’s lives and
then you think about what he really was like.
There are others. I resist from mentioning
names but it’s disappointing at the regularity of the downfall of those who
were once respected.
My simple point today on this is. When we
look at men and women we see people who are flawed and who will inevitably let
us down.
BUT when you come to the life of Jesus Christ He is exemplary. The Bible
says He is holy, He is harmless, He’s undefiled, He is different. The Bible
says that He is the Lamb without blemish and without spot. The Bible says about
Jesus that “He committed no sin, neither
was deceit found in His mouth” (1 Peter 2.22 – the Bible). The Bible says
in Him was no sin. In fact the Lord Jesus actually refuted the accusations of men
and said to them directly, point blank in their face, which of you convinces me of sin?
And that brings me to the point, of why is
this true? It is true because He is God become man, born of a virgin, so He
wouldn’t carry human guilt and sin. Miraculously conceived but naturally born.
The Son of God (Jesus) came into the world (God was manifested in flesh) and
the reason He came was so that He might deal with sin by his sacrificial death
on the cross. He paid the price by suffering and taking the just judgment of
God for sin. The purpose was that unjust people, like us, could be forgiven.
The Bible says “He suffered the just for
the unjust, so He might bring us to God”.
Jesus is just, we’re unjust, He’s right,
we’re wrong, He’s pure, we’re dirty. He took our judgment, He paid the price,
so that we could have forgiveness.
You might look at the great characters of
society, politics and sport, scratch your head and say well they don’t seem to come
up to the mark. But I want to tell you today about one who does. He will never
fail nor be discouraged the Bible says. If you trust Him, if you confess your
sin to Him (not to a priest nor a church or an organization), if you come to Him
confessing in prayer your sin and asking for cleansing He will forgive. “He saves to the uttermost those that come
unto God by Him”.
Look at
‘Seek the Truth’ or Stephen Baker on YouTube, and look at some of the
videos there and make use of them. We trust that they will be helpful. Thanks again
for reading this.
To make contact or for more information visit www.seekthetruth.org.uk
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